Perinatal (prenatal and postpartum)

Counseling for Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders

While pregnancy and having a baby can be joyous times in our lives, it is also much more complex than that. Sometimes you don't experience the joy you were anticipating, or the challenges overwhelm you and leave you questioning your ability to navigate this new life. Hormones and a lack of support certainly don't help, either, leaving us feeling depressed, anxious or isolated. 

Is this you? Are you trying to just power through it?

Please know that you aren't alone and these experiences of motherhood are actually very common. Therapy can help significantly reduce your stress and allow you to find joy again, connect with your partner, and attach to your new baby.

Schedule an individual or couples session today to learn how to thrive instead of just survive through this special  time in you and your family's lives.

Call for more information or to set an appointment at (360) 467-9008. Serving out of Olympia, WA, services are available online and throughout the state of Washington

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